Like us, slime molds have a pulse. Also like us, when they find something that interests them, their pulse goes faster and they start moving in that direction. It is not a stretch at all to believe that these quickening and slowing pulses are a way for slime molds to sing their lives while they are living it. However, since slime molds are immortal of sorts, they are never in a hurry and their song is too slow for us to hear.
Slime mold Andi and I have started a project to show you what it would be like to walk in the forest surrounded by a choir of slime molds. In this project, Andi’s video-recorded movements and changes in surface area are translated to musical parameters. To give Andi agency, I explained the process to them beforehand. Andi’s first song and a full explanation of the process can be found here.
Recorded in a glass room in Rijswijk’s small world studios, we proudly present Andi singing a December song of love, hope, loss, the cycle of life, and oatmeal.