A. Andi: Glimpse ratfish honest obey such hon work, row easier one wait coda quest. Ctenidia lunate trod
Roland explains:
To understand the meaning of Andi’s answer, I divided his words into three parts, which I dissected separately:
- Glimpse ratfish honest obey such hon work. Andi tells me to perceive the honorable ways of a fish swimming in the cooler waters — i.e. Andi’s telling me to take it easy and don’t forget to chill.
- row easier one wait coda quest. Quarrels effortlessly come up if you wait until the conclusion of a long and arduous pursuit. In other words, don’t procrastinate work up until a deadline because of fights or tensions that might cause: do it now.
- Ctenidia lunate trod. This is Andi saying in a cryptic way to get exercise and stay healthy. Like the filaments in a mollusk-comb walk in a specific crescent-shape. So too we should move in our specific human ways of movement.
Bonus feature: dictionary definitions of keywords
verb: glimpse 3rd person present: glimpses past tense: glimpsed past participle: glimpsed gerund or present participle: glimpsing
- see or perceive briefly or partially.: “he glimpsed a figure standing in the shade”.
synonyms: catch sight of, catch/get a glimpse of, see briefly, get a sight of, notice, discern, spot, spy, sight, note, pick out, make out, clock, espy, descry
noun: ratfish plural noun: ratfish plural noun: ratfishes
- a blunt-nosed chimaera with rodent-like front teeth and a long, thin tail, found chiefly in cooler waters.
- another term for rabbitfish.
symbol: Hon
- (in official job titles) Honorary.: “the Hon. Secretary”.
- (in titles of some government officials and judges) Honorable.: “the Hon. Charles Rothschild”.
noun: row plural noun: rows
- a noisy acrimonious quarrel.: “they had a row and she stormed out of the house”.
synonyms: argument, quarrel, squabble, fight, contretemps, disagreement, difference of opinion, dissension, falling-out, dispute, disputation, contention, clash, altercation, shouting match, exchange, war of words, tiff, set-to, run-in, spat, barney, slanging match, bunfight, ding-dong, bust-up, afters, rhubarb, broil, miff, threap, collieshangie, tracasserie(s)
antonyms: reconciliation, agreement
verb: row 3rd person present: rows past tense: rowed past participle: rowed gerund or present participle: rowing
- have a quarrel.: “they rowed about who would receive the money from the sale”.
synonyms: argue, quarrel, squabble, bicker, have a row/fight, fight, fall out, disagree, fail to agree, differ, be at odds, have a misunderstanding, be at variance, have words, dispute, spar, wrangle, bandy words, cross swords, lock horns, be at each other’s throats, be at loggerheads, scrap, go at it hammer and tongs, argufy, altercate, chop logic, fratch
noun: coda plural noun: codas
- the concluding passage of a piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure.
noun: quest plural noun: quests
- a long or arduous search for something.: “the quest for a reliable vaccine has intensified”.
synonyms: search, hunt, pursuit, pursuance of, investigation into
verb: quest 3rd person present: quests past tense: quested past participle: quested gerund or present participle: questing
- search for something.: “he was a real scientist, questing after truth”.
plural noun: ctenidia
- a comblike structure, especially a respiratory organ or gill in a mollusk, consisting of an axis with a row of projecting filaments.
adjective: lunate
- crescent-shaped.
noun: lunate plural noun: lunates noun: lunate bone plural noun: lunate bones
- a crescent-shaped carpal bone situated in the center of the wrist and articulating with the radius.
past tense: trod
walk in a specified way.: “the administration had to tread carefully so as not to offend the judiciary” “he trod lightly, trying to make as little contact with the mud as possible”.
synonyms: walk, step, stride, pace, go, march, tramp, plod, stomp, trudge