14 Q. Pilar: How would you like to participate in my dungeons and dragons campaign?
A. Andi: Leg fell dew bunraku ape sides stoic go enemy young dishonour thingify. Ah video, aided twit. Anaphorical sick snob, asap in.

Pilar explains:
The DnD group is currently traveling across a number of planes of existence, which are coming together in an unnatural way due to the transgressions of two gods. One god, a Chaos God, grew out of their union, but it has been suppressed by Bahamut, the lawful god of dragons. Since then, the Chaos God has tried to manipulate the world to show itself and claim its right to existence, and in the process has disturbed the planes around it.
The Chaos God is a puppet master of those who accept it, and has tried in every way to control as many people as possible. Now, in a plane inhabited by the Myconids (a fungal race) it has infected (cohabited with?) the spores that are the spawning place of the Myconid race.
Problem is…the Myconids are lawful. Spreading chaos amongst these creatures is the young Chaos God’s dishonor, a repeat (anaphor) of its behavior since its birth.
Guess Andi wants to be a spore that throws a wrench into the campaign. This can be acheived…asap.
Update April 5th, 2020: Andi joined the game today as spores. One player is dead, two are near death and the entire Myconid race are fighting each other. Sheer chaos.