A. Andi: No. Cake. Yawn hustles tousle, we, scoff. I’m, grope, ever affect why super mink, in high realm delve coconut no win, from last at jazz pie enjoy lad

Linda explains:
Andi initially deflects our eager question with a gentle “No,” and then masterfully suggests we reflect on the simple, tangible joys in life such as cake. Andi also nudges us to remember life’s intangible pleasures such as yawning on a lazy morning — after a busy week of the typical hustle and bustle — and smiling in the knowledge that you & your sleep-tousled hair have nowhere else to be. We may scoff at the idea of Love quietly thriving in these simple pleasures. I’m sure we all grope for grander answers. And why wouldn’t we? We’re all affected by messages around us saying Love requires an ever growing collection of expensive possessions including super mink coats and other rare items coveted in the so-called “high realm” of society. We’ve also seen people who seek Love by delving into the world of exotic coconut cocktails. But…those are all “no win” situations. From the start to the last, at its essence, Love is as ephemeral as an improvised jazz riff and as deliciously simple as a slice of pie. So, all ye lads & lasses, go forth and enjoy.