A. Andi: Nigh god taken recline halted raw, yam Amway vow or cab, carrot flung evil. O seek in sign. Wispy we oft trawled. Win ohm eaglet all, vine.

Hope explains:
Andi worships the Raw Yam (God) and took a vow to worship in the American way (~ 70% of Americans are Christians). Andi goes to church on Sundays and has the May War bible (Raw Yam backwards). Andi said that the Evil Carrot flings evil everywhere and rides in the cab of destruction. The Evil Carrot will send a sign of judgement and have a huge battle with the Raw Yam on judgment day. Andi often searches for salvation with a friend, the eaglet. One day the eaglet found salvation when he discovered the Holy Vine and went to Raw Yam’s palace for eternity. The sign of this religion is Ω.