A. Andi: I cupcake. Boxy I. Take gags pin tofu, wright, geodes lamer or, how try. Hindu sea day gate me. Gird hobble, lice lymph chef pig no. wow

Sarah explains:
Andi’s response to my question, ‘What do you think of music?’ made me reflect deeply on the tapestry of music we have and how it might be perceived by an alien intelligence. It’s so complex Andi was overwhelmed. I mean it is such a big question. Take a look at wikipedia’s list of popular musical genres and look at the sub-genres! In ‘African music’ alone there are 46 sub-genres and pages to go to! So when Andi says ‘I cupcake’ I believe he is saying … I think music is sweet, but then he follows with ‘boxy I’ which implies that it’s such a big topic he needs to look at it within a frame. The next sentence just reinforces this. Andi lists things like humor music (take gags), hardcore swedish punk (pin tofu- referencing the infamous Yi-pin Tofu in Stockholm), sheet music production (wright music company), and the kaleidoscope of inferior music types (geodes lamer) ending with ‘how try’. In essence saying- ‘Music is sweet but that’s a big question. What kind of music? Humor, hardcore Swedish punk, all the lame music that’s out there? How am I supposed to answer that question. Hindu sea day naturally is Andi’s way of saying that music is a big open world that also touches on spirituality but he needs boundaries to answer the question properly (gate me). He ended his response with a small attempt at indicating his admiration of freestyle rap by rapping (Gird hobble lice lymph chef pig no. wow)
So to recap Andi’s response translated by me is: ‘I think music is sweet but that’s a big question. What kind of music? There’s humor, hardcore Swedish punk, all those other stupid musical subgenres…how am I supposed to answer that question? Look it’s a really big world and I think generally music can be spiritual but you’ve got to narrow that question down. That being said I do like to dabble in freestyle rapping myself; ‘Gird hobble lice lymph chef pig no’ wow!